How To Use The Cage In MMA

The cage is an embedded concept of mixed martial arts, and there is no escaping it.Your objective as a mixed martial artist should be to become proficient at using the cage to your advantage and…

5 MMA Takedowns From The Clinch

Learning how to take an opponent down from the clinch is essential for all mixed martial artists.Regardless of whether you are an excellent striker, grappler, or well-rounded martial artist, having an arsenal of takedowns from…

How To Combat A Wrestler In MMA

If you are a striker, there’s a chance you could have a bad time against a wrestler in MMA. If you come from a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) background, it’s likely you’ll have a tough time…

The History And Origins Of MMA

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) has been one of the fastest rising sports in the world for the better part of the last two decades. In modern times, it is a mainstream sport that enjoys a…

The Resurgence Of Strikers In MMA

The sport of MMA is still relatively young, but there have already been numerous “eras” of fighting styles that have had their turn to dominate the sport. From the early Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu versus Shootfighting days…